Bad ebay Experiences
Provide your own ebay experiences and comments
(...and please just let idiots be idiots without throwing their own dung back at them.)
(Any postings with language not suitable for my 13 year old son to read will be deleted.)


Information and suggestions about posting in this Guestbook:

Although providing email addresses gives authenticity to a person's posting;  Keep in mind that doing so could invite email you might not want.  For that consideration, this Guestbook doesn't request your email address. But if you still care to take a verifiable stand and provide an email address in your text, ...I suggest that folks have a separate free "hotmail" address for public postings on the internet, so that any harrassment won't go to their private personal email address.

Also, You can and should hide your email address from SPAM spider engines by using [AT] instead of the @ character the spiders search for:

( yourhandle[AT]yourserver.etc ) instead of ( yourhandle@yourserver.etc )

NOTE:  I value opinions greatly whether I agree with them or not.  So I will make every effort to not censor this Guestbook EXCEPT for (1) ugly attacks upon people posting here (differences in opinions are OK ... keep it reasonably civilized), and (2) language not suitable for my 13 year old son, and (3) subject matter not relating to mail-order business.  Censorship will be done at my sole reasonable discretion.  Thank You for helping in this regard;  It will reduce my maintenance of this site and hopefully allow me to put more time into more features here sooner.

This website does not collect any data whatsoever.