The wood lid front piece is completely broken away from the lid top, under the cover's tweed fabric.
This dark shadow is cast by loose covering that folds backward with the broken lid front when the case is opened.
Repair is done by (1) heating and removing the tweed covering flap from the interior of the lid front piece, (2) injecting glue under the lid top & front covering via access through the broken wood separation and smoothing the glue evenly under the lid top & front covering, (3) applying glue to the broken wood to create a new joint, and clamping the joint from the outside and inside to keep the joint in place, (4) allow the repaired joint to dry, (5) restrectch the interior covering and glue it back in place.  The glue required by Industry Standard is a glue that melts under moderate heat and therefore allowing any future repairs to be done by applying heat to make it workable again.
Interior lining has come unglued and is stapled in one place, so it didn't hang down in auction pictures.
Repair is quite simple, but an example of the misrepresentation by the Seller.
The Primary issue: Damaged goods undisclosed & misrepresented.
( aka Significantly Different Than Described )
The Secondary issue:  Goods misrepresented.
This case is in Poor to marginally Fair Condition and not the Good
Condition described by the Seller "by any stretch of imagination".
The ends of this case were hidden from camera view in the Seller's auction,
and have several rips, tears and tanning torn loose, on it's leather ends .
Except for the breakage repairs said above, and a wad of chewing gum embedded in the tweed covering that requires MUCH more technique to remove than the "cleaning" suggested in the auction description;  The remaining major cleaning and minor discrepencies such as dings and missing button-gliders were noticed and expected by me when I bid in the auction.  The Sellers' auction description saying "case is in good condition" and "tweed could use a cleaning", is a far stretch for the condition of this guitar case and the substantial repairs it needs to be put in the condition described in the auction.  I purchased this case trusting it's representation as being in a worn but Good condition; and as a very experienced guitar professional I think the general public of guitar buyers would have felt the same.
Damage and condition of guitar case from tune_o_matic

Note that this case was advertised as being in good condition.

Also please note that this case is NOT an old vintage case that a layman thinking it is might prejudice "good condition" for it's age;
This case is a USED rather recent G&G Co. case made for Fender Musical Instruments as a replica of a vintage case in New condition.